Thank you for your support and feedback about OFRI’s new website. It’s certainly come a long way, thanks in large part to our development partner, DHX Advertising. Together we’ve worked to create a site that is both visually interesting and informative about Oregon’s abundant forestlands. There is a lot to learn and play with on the site, so if you haven’t taken the time to explore, by all means do so.
There’s more to come, too.
Our ongoing mission for is to make it more interactive, more interesting and, above all, more significant for Oregonians. We have a number of features we are planning to expand. And, what better way to accomplish that than to involve you in the process?
Here are a few examples:
Learning centers:
We will expand our links to forest learning centers located within the state’s 13 separate forest types. These are usually structure-based buildings or kiosks that provide forest interpretation, and it is likely there are some great ones that we’ve missed. If you know of any, drop us a note and we’ll look into it.
Urban forests:
Similarly, there are many urban forests throughout the state. If you have an important urban forest in your community, we’d love to hear about it, because they may be the most frequent exposure Oregonians have with forests.
Ask a forester:
Do you have a question about forests or forestry? Ask it, even if it’s a basic one. The more questions we cover, the richer and more useful this website becomes for you. If you have a question, chances are 10 others are wondering about the same thing.
These are just a few of the areas where we are seeking input. If any suggestions or additions come to mind while you’re exploring the website, we invite you to let us know. The more we can involve Oregonians with what we really think is “your” website, the more helpful and informative it will become.
Thank you.
Jordan Benner
Public Outreach Program Manager