They range throughout Oregon and can live in a variety of habitats, from sea level up to 10,000 feet in elevation.
The Pacific tree frog is approximately 1.5 inches in length, with a dark mask extending from the nostrils to the shoulders. The skin may appear green, brown, reddish, bronze or pale gray. It may often be heard croaking, especially after it rains.
Diet and habitat
It consumes a highly varied diet including algae, ants, flies, centipedes, beetles, spiders, slugs and snails. It makes its home in riparian habitat as well as woodlands, grassland, chaparral, pastureland, and even urban areas including backyard ponds.
Predators and threats
The Pacific tree frog is preyed upon by lizards, snakes, bullfrogs and herons.
Breeding occurs in shallow, vegetated wetlands including forested swamps. It commonly reproduces in seasonal wetlands that dry up before midsummer. Breeding is typically from February to June at low elevations, and not until June or July at higher elevations.