Nearly half of Oregon – about 47 percent – is covered in forests, but not all are the same. Because of the state’s varied geography and forest landowners with a range of objectives for their land, there are many different types of forests.
Oregon’s forests are home to an array of tree, plant and wildlife species. Some forests are dominated by tree species such as Douglas-fir that have adapted to rainy climates. In the more arid portions of the state east of the Cascade Range, tree species such as ponderosa pine are more common. The forest landscape also contains a diversity of tree ages, ranging from seedlings to old-growth trees.
The state’s forests are managed to reflect the varied interests and practices of different landowners, which include the state and federal governments, private timber companies, tribes and small woodland owners. Some forests are managed primarily for timber production, while others are set aside as parks, wilderness areas or reserves to protect old-growth, riparian or endangered species habitat. Many are managed for multiple uses, including recreation, water, wildlife habitat and timber.