The bald eagle can be spotted throughout Oregon’s large inland lakes, marshes and other areas that provide tall trees or cliffs suitable for nesting. Frequent sightings of breeding pairs occur in Upper Klamath Lake, along the Columbia River and at the Crane Prairie and Wickiup reservoirs.
Bald eagles are not actually bald. Its name comes from an older term meaning of "white headed.” The adult is mainly dark brown with a white head and tail. The sexes are identical in look, but females are larger than males. Their beak is large and hooked. Adults average between 28 and 38 inches in length, with an average wingspan of 80 inches. They weigh about 6 to 13 pounds.
Diet and habitat
Though the bald eagle is an opportunistic feeder, it prefers fish. Other prey includes large birds, mammals and carrion. It prefers forested areas near large bodies of water for breeding, and requires large trees for nesting.
Predators and threats
Gulls, ravens, crows, black bears, raccoons, hawks, owls and bobcats prey upon young.
It breeds in January and produces a clutch size of one to three eggs. Parents alternate incubating the clutch for 35 to 46 days, and the chicks usually fledge at three months old. The adult breeding pair will reuse the large platform nest for many years.