PORTLAND, Ore. – Oregon’s forest protection laws are changing. To help Oregonians learn about recent changes to the Oregon Forest Practices Act, the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) has updated its OregonForestLaws.org website detailing the state’s forest-related laws and regulations.
OregonForestLaws.org provides an overview of current state laws governing forestry practices on private and state forestlands that aim to protect clean water, fish and wildlife habitat, and other forest resources. The newly updated site is part of OFRI’s latest educational media campaign to inform the public about how Oregonians recently came together to create new forest rules that expand habitat protections around streams for salmon and other aquatic wildlife. An OFRI-produced video airing on digital and social media directs viewers to the site.
The updated site includes a page about the Private Forest Accord, a cooperative agreement to make changes to the Oregon Forest Practices Act. Other new additions to the site include a section on public notification detailing new state-run notification systems for forest management activities such as helicopter pesticide application.
The site also includes pages explaining forest laws related to protecting water and fish, requirements to replant trees after logging, wildlife habitat protections, limits on clearcutting and chemical use in forests, forest road regulations, and special rules for logging trees along scenic highways.
Hyperlinks and resources throughout the site allow users to dig deeper into many topics. A new questions and answers page includes a list of answers to frequently asked questions regarding Oregon’s forestry regulations, as well as the option for site visitors to “ask a forester” and submit their own questions to be answered by professional foresters.
About the Oregon Forest Resources Institute:
The Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) in 1991 to support and enhance Oregon’s forest products industry by advancing public understanding of forests, forest management and forest products, and encouraging sustainable forestry through landowner education. A 13-member board of directors governs OFRI. It is funded by a portion of the forest products harvest tax.