For my regular job I drive a lot of places, and a few days ago I rounded a corner on U.S. Highway 20 and spotted a sign: “Planted in 2007.” The briefest of messages aimed at my fellow travelers.
Brief, but packed full of invaluable information nonetheless.
This sign is a symbol of private landowners’ commitment to sustainable forestry, and of course it also identifies the land as a working forest. Private landowners – large and small – are required by Oregon law to replant trees after harvest. They must do this as part of the compact between the state of Oregon and its forest landowners.
Separately, land-use planning has restricted forest landowners from developing commercial businesses or residential tracts in forestland, which means that private forestland is conserved primarily for growing trees and not much else.
Last, this sign highlights the concept that the compact between landowners and the state encompasses much more than replanting trees. Land must also have good fish and wildlife habitat. Water quality must be maintained.
If you are a forest landowner, please remember to order your “Planted in 2014” signs from OFRI. You can get signs for other years as well – and best of all, the signs are free of charge. Since initiating the program in 2012, OFRI has shipped out nearly 150 signs to various industrial and family landowners. Get your signs today at
If you’re a traveler, like me you’ll want to watch for the signs that confirm that Oregon’s forest industry is working for Oregon.
Calli Daly
OFRI board chair