We were privileged this week to receive a visit from a team of broadcast journalists from South Korean television network SBS (Seoul Broadcast System). Chong Lee, associate producer, is producing a one-hour documentary to promote forestation (tree planting) in South Korea.
One segment of the documentary will showcase one of the best examples of forestry in the United States – right here in Oregon. The piece will showcase the state’s leadership in maintaining healthy and sustainable forests; well-balanced coordination and cooperation between government and business with regard to forestry; and outreach programs to promote awareness of the importance of sustainable forestry.
Mr. Lee and his videographer Kim spent three days in Oregon last week. They visited the Santiam State Forest to see active forest management and firefighting. They interviewed Deputy State Forester Nancy Hirsch to learn about the state’s role in forestry. They spent a morning observing the OSU Wood Science and Engineering faculty teach Wood Magic at the World Forestry Center. And they spent an afternoon visiting a local sawmill.
They also spent an afternoon with Julie Woodward and me at The Oregon Garden’s Rediscovery Forest in Silverton. We discussed OFRI’s role in public and landowner education, toured the Rediscovery Forest and enjoyed the new Discovery Pavilion.
Chong and Kim were very impressed with the efforts we are making in Oregon to educate landowners on sustainable forest practices, and to inform the public on how forestry is practiced in Oregon. They were especially impressed with the enthusiasm Oregonians showed them regarding forestry, and the commitment the state of Oregon and its people are making to support sustainable forest practices.
We wish them well in completing this project, and hope to post a link to their documentary in a future OFRI blog.
For the forest,
Mike Cloughesy
Director of Forestry