Forest learning via webinar


It seems that only a few months ago, I was a Zoom novice, or Padawan. Now I feel I’m approaching at least Zoom journeyman level, and strive to become a Zoom master. It’s amazing what a pandemic can do to change the way you do business.

There’s a lot going on in the webinar world for woodland owners in Oregon. In this blog, I want to talk about three webinar series that are ongoing or just starting. The cool thing about webinars is, you can attend live or view recorded sessions after the fact.

Tree School Online

Oregon State University Extension Forestry and Natural Resources is working with the Partnership for Forestry Education under the leadership of the Oregon Forest Resources Institute to bring you this 15-week webinar series. You can participate in many of the classes that were set for Tree School Clackamas, which was canceled due to the pandemic, along with some new classes developed exclusively for Tree School Online. These FREE webinars are held every Tuesday until July 28. There is a 10 a.m. and a 1 p.m. webinar each Tuesday. More information, including a webinar schedule and registration, is available here.

You can find recordings of all the Tree School Online webinars that have already happened, as well as other educational videos for forest landowners developed by the Partnership for Forestry Education, on the Know Your Forest YouTube channel.

Oregon State University Extension Fire Program Webinars

The newly formed OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program, for which I’m proud to serve on the advisory committee, has also started a new webinar series featuring presenters from OSU, the Oregon Department of Forestry, Keep Oregon Green Association, Firewise USA and others. Two of the webinars have already taken place, but a third on fire-adapted communities and the Ready, Set, Go! program is scheduled for May 22. More information, including webinar descriptions, registration and access to previous programs, is available here.

Maintaining a Healthy Forest in an Uncertain Climate – Webinar Series

A new OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension webinar series for forest landowners and managers, “Maintaining a Healthy Forest in an Uncertain Climate,” is being produced by the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center. The series runs Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m., beginning June 10 and ending July 15. The webinars will be offered live, giving viewers a chance to ask expert presenters questions in real time. While this series has an ecological focus on southwestern Oregon, landowners from all areas of western Oregon are welcome to attend. More information, including a schedule, webinar descriptions and registration, is available here.

ALL THESE WEBINARS ARE FREE FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. They are also all being recorded, and will be available to view online soon after the live sessions.

So when the pandemic is getting you down and you need to learn some forestry, follow the advice of a master and “Use the Zoom, Padawan.”

For the forest,

Mike Cloughesy
Director of Forestry


9755 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 210        
Portland, OR 97225        
Phone: 971-673-2944        
Fax: 971-673-2946

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