Forest Fact Break: Animations

Forest Fact Breaks simplify complex topics (such as forest fires) into fun, educational and entertaining animated videos. Using graphics, movement, sound effects and narration, Forest Fact Breaks bring each topic to life in less time than it takes to listen to a song.

Topics include:

Carbon capture - Download video
Clearcutting - Download video
Ecosystems - Download video
Fire safety - Download video
Forest fire - Download video
Forest management - Download video
Forest types in Oregon - Download video
Green building - Download video
Photosynthesis - Download video
Reforestation - Download video
Sustainability - Download video
Tree biology - Download video
Water - Download video
Wildlife - Download video
Wood products - Download video

To view these videos online, visit the OFRI video library. 

Publication category:K-12


9755 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 210        
Portland, OR 97225        
Phone: 971-673-2944        
Fax: 971-673-2946

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